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    Asset management may be involved in I. Establishing and managing private equity investment funds (trust product); II. Effectively managing and operating customer assets upon entrust.
    We will play the role of main initiator or investor in raising the funds of all parties concerned and establishing private equity funds according to particular market demand. We will mainly invest such funds in unlisted enterprises with high growth potential by equity or quasi-equity investment, meanwhile, participate in the operation and management of the invested enterprises to some extent, and then realize capital appreciation by equity transfer after the invested enterprises get mature.
    We will preserve and increase the value of asset on the basis of guaranteeing the security of entrusted asset as possible and on the premise of strictly respecting customer’s intent for entrust. We may invest entrusted assets in growth stocks or listed companies with very great growth potential; particular financial products or financial instruments with significant hedge opportunities; equity warrants, stock index futures or products with high risk and return. For investors, entrusted asset management is an investment variety with low risk and relatively stable income.

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